Plein Air Painting workshop. This event is no longer available.
Check Photos of the Event. Beautiful place to paint on Plein Air

Plein Air painting workshop at Canham Farm Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, Scotts Valley, California
When: October 1st, 2022
Time: 4:00 pm to Sunset
Price: $45 for 3 hours workshop. Fee includes $20 donation to Canham Farm Horse and Rehabilitation Center
Instructor: Elvira Rascov
About the Class:
Come and enjoy an afternoon of plein air painting at the beautiful Canham Farm Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation Center in Scottsvalley, California.
In this workshop you will learn how to take notes and sketches of the place by developing your observation skills. You will also familiarize yourself with the use of tone and values on your sketches that later on will help you develop the final painting. Also you will learn about light and shadows and how to simplify the scene. Horses can be added to the scene in a simplified manner and I will show you how to easily sketch them by using the shapes method of painting. This is a wonderful opportunity to paint pictures of horses with the beautiful backdrop of the Santa Cruz mountains, redwoods and stables in the company of fellow artists.

Location: 333 Canham Rd, Scotts Valley, CA 95066
If you want to learn more about Canham Farm listen to the podcast of Beprovided Conservation Radio where Marcia Sivek interviews the Center’s Founder Julia Hyde and her senior volunteer and outreach coordinator, Jackie Foley. You can listen to the podcast on this LINK
Also, read this nice article from the Press Banner Newspaper in Scotts Valley about Canham Farm, their work with rescuing horses and of course, about this Plein Air painting event. HERE
Donate. Adopt. Sponsor. Volunteer. Help Give Horses a Chance
For donations to the Canham Farm Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation Center use this LINK