
Watercolor Live Instruction Classes Winter/Spring 2025

Classes at Los Gatos Adult Recreation in Los Gatos, CA – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030

About these Courses

In these fun courses students will have the opportunity to practice and learn basic to advance techniques in watercolor. Throughout the courses there will be different demos and step by step paint-a-long exercises where students will learn and improve their watercolor skills. Students will be able to finish a painting at the end of each class. These courses are designed for all levels of painting.

Drop-in option available. Please contact the registration office for assistance at: (408)354-8700

Basic materials you should have for this class:

-Cold press watercolor paper

– Basic set of watercolor paints

– Set of watercolor brushes include round brushes number 4, 6, 10 and a rigger brush for details.

A more detailed list of materials will be sent when you sign up for the class.

Instructor: Elvira Rascov


Dates: January 23 to March 6 – No class February 20

Time: 10 am to 12:30 pm

Price: $195


Watercolor Live Instruction Spring Eight Session – Morning Classes

Dates: March 20 to May 22 – No classes April 3 and April 10th

Time: 10 am to 12:30 pm

Price: $245


Watercolor Live Instruction Spring Eight Session – Afternoon Classes

Classes every Tuesday afternoon.

Dates: March 18 to May 20th – No classes April 1st and April 8th

Time: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Price: $245



Learn how to paint delicate flowers in watercolor using the wet and wet and color blending techniques.

Birds are fun to paint in watercolor, their delicate shapes and colors are very special and watercolor is the medium that helps enhance their beauty.

Learn blending and special brush techniques that will help you paint birds in watercolor.

Food is a fun subject to paint in watercolor. A lot of detail can be capture with this medium. Learn how to use blending techniques to create different shades of color.

More samples of paintings will be added soon.

About your instructor:

Classes location at: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, Rm 214 – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030

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Watercolor classes

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Beginner to Advanced Watercolor Classes in Los Gatos

Watercolor Live Instruction Second Morning Session Fall 2024

10:00AM – 12:30PM 6 mtgs. 10/31-12/12 $195


About this Course

In this fun course students will have the opportunity to practice and learn basic to advance techniques in watercolor. Throughout the course there will be different demos and step by step paint-a-long exercises where students will learn and improve their watercolor skills. Students will be able to finish a painting at the end of each class. This course is designed for all levels of painting. Drop-in option available. Please contact the registration office for assistance.

Basic materials you should have for this class:

-Cold press watercolor paper

– Basic set of watercolor paints

– Set of watercolor brushes include round brushes number 4, 6, 10 and a rigger brush for details.

A more detailed list of materials will be sent when you sign up for the class.

Let’s start this fun session by celebrating Halloween and painting a jack o’ lantern and a ghost in watercolor.

Let’s learn how to paint roses in watercolor. A class dedicated to learn how to paint roses without using a previous sketch.

Let’s celebrate fall by learning how to paint fall leaves in watercolor.

More images will be added soon.

Instructor: Elvira Rascov

Elvira Rascov, an accomplished Colombian American artist, loves to render nature in watercolors and oils. Elvira has taken her art a notch further, and used these painting techniques to create groovy functional ceramics.
Inspired by her early teachers in Bogotá, Elvira teaches Art throughout the Bay Area, making painting fun and expressive.
When she is not busy capturing the soft California landscapes with its soothing hues of yellows and greens, she is experimenting with cityscapes.

Classes location at: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, Rm 214 – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030

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Watercolor classes

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Watercolor Live Instruction Fall Classes 2024 at LGS Recreation

Fall watercolor classes start in September. Now you can register online or directly from this website to the Center’s page.

Are you ready to have fun learning and reviewing watercolor techniques this fall?

Here are the three different classes, dates and times available.


Finish a painting at the end of each class following step-by-step
instruction. Learn and practice basic to advanced techniques in
watercolor. View required materials online. Instructor: Elvira Rascov
Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center

Tuesday Afternoon class

3:30PM – 6:00PM 8 mtgs. 9/24-11/19 $245


Thursday Morning class Starting in September
– First Session

10:00AM – 12:30PM 6 mtgs. 9/12-10/17 $195


Thursday Morning Class starting in October
– Second Session

10:00AM – 12:30PM 6 mtgs. 10/31-12/12 $195


See you in class this fall! Elvira

Center’s Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA

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Watercolor classes

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Fall 2024 Watercolor Classes and Workshops at LGS Recreation

Classes in the fall start in September at LGS Recreation in Los Gatos, California.

Online registration now is available. You can register to any of the classes from here. Just click the registration button next to the class and it will take you to the Center’s website.

You can register for the remaining classes or make a drop-in to one of the classes. Contact the Center if you have any questions

Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Tel: (408)354-8700


Finish a painting at the end of each class following step-by-step
instruction. Learn and practice basic to advanced techniques in
watercolor. View required materials online.

Instructor: Elvira Rascov
Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center

Tuesday Afternoon class

3:30PM – 6:00PM 8 mtgs. 9/24-11/19 $245


Thursday Morning class Starting in September
– First Session

10:00AM – 12:30PM 6 mtgs. 9/12-10/17 $195


Thursday Morning Class starting in October
– Second Session

10:00AM – 12:30PM 6 mtgs. 10/31-12/12 $195


Fall Watercolor Workshops

Check out the list of painting workshops this Fall.


Location: Oak Meadow Park Los Gatos, CA – Gazebo

All mediums. All levels. Get inspired
by the outdoors! Learn how to choose a subject, using light/dark
values, color mixing and approaches. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS CLASS HERE

Friday 10:00AM – 12:30PM 1 mtg.10/25 $40



Learn to layer bold colors with different
blending techniques. Finish a project each class, paint-a-long to
explore tones, brushstrokes techniques, and color combinations. Learn about this class HERE

Sat. 10:00AM – 12:30PM 2 mtgs. 10/12-10/19 $100



Paint a-long and learn all the steps to be successful in making a beautiful landscape.
Techniques will be presented while doing the live demo. Learn more about this class HERE

Wed. 4:30PM – 6:30PM 1 mtg. 10/23 $40



Paint-a-long learning simple
watercolor techniques to have three handmade holiday and winter
scene cards to give out this year.

Sat. 10:00AM – 12:00PM 1 mtg. 12/14 $40


I hope you can join me in any of these classes this Fall 2024.

See you there!.


Center’s Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA

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Watercolor classes

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Summer 2024 Watercolor Classes at LGS Recreation

Classes with Elvira Rascov

Come and join the fun and learn how to paint in watercolor this summer! Start your painting journey.

Here is the list and dates of the classes.

Watercolor Live Instruction – Start your watercolor journey – Three session Class


About this Course

In this class you will learn the basic techniques of painting with watercolor. Through simple and fun exercises you will get confidence painting with the medium. There will be at least three small projects in each class that will be demonstrated step by step and where you can paint-a-long. By the end of each class you will have finished exercises and paintings that will build up your skills. This class will bring you confidence with the medium and will help you move to the next level. No previous experience of knowledge is required for this class.

Dates: Thursday August 15 to August 29, 2024

Time: 10 am to 12:30 pm

Price: $120

Watercolor Live Instruction Registration

Join this class to learn basic to intermediate skills in watercolor.

See more samples of paintings for this class HERE

Center’s Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, Rm 214 – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030

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Watercolor classes

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Spring 2024 Watercolor Live Instruction Classes at LGS Recreation

Through a friendly and fun method you can learn to paint in watercolor at LGS Recreation in Los Gatos this Spring. Your instructor: Elvira Rascov
Watercolor Live Instruction classes are scheduled every Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 6:00 pm and Thursday mornings from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm.

About these Classes

In these fun courses students will have the opportunity to practice and learn basic to advance techniques in watercolor. Throughout the classes there will be different demos and step by step paint-a-long exercises where students will learn and improve their watercolor skills. Students will be able to finish a painting at the end of each class. These courses are designed for all levels of painting. Drop-in option available. Please contact the registration office for assistance at (408)354-8700

Spring Watercolor Live Instruction – Afternoon Eight Session Class

Dates: March 19 to May 21, 2024 (No class 4/2 and 4/9)

Time: 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Price: $245

Register Afternoon WLI

Spring Watercolor Live Instruction – Morning Eight Session Class

Dates: March 21 to May 23, 2024 (no class 4/4 and 4/11)

Time: 10 am to 12:30 pm

Price: $245

Register Morning WLI

Classes location at Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030

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Watercolor classes


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Paint Night – Spring Blooms Event at LGS Recreation

This Event is no longer Available

When: March 13, 2024

Time: 4:30 to 6:30 pm

Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, Room 214 – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA

Price: $40

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About this Course

In this fun evening class students will learn how to paint Spring Blooms in Watercolor. Instructor will demonstrate the whole process from beginning to end. You can paint a-long and learn all the steps to be successful in making a beautiful Spring Blooms painting. There are a lot of opportunities to improve your painting techniques and the instructor will be there to help you through the process. A sketch of the painting will be sent to students before the class so students can be ready to follow step by step.

Basic materials you should have for this class: -Cold press watercolor paper – Basic set of watercolor paints – Set of watercolor brushes include round brushes number 4, 6, 10 and a rigger brush for details A more detailed list of materials will be sent when you sign up for the class.

Instructor: Elvira Rascov

Event location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, Room 214 – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA

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Holiday Cards in Watercolor and Ink class at LGS Recreation

When: December 9th, 2023

Time: 10 am to 12 pm

Price: $40

Sign up here

Location: Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center, Room 214 – 208 East Main St. Los Gatos, CA

About this Course

It is fun to send friends and family your own watercolor cards. In this class you will have the opportunity to learn how to make your own holiday cards. With simple watercolor techniques you will make four different holiday cards. Using wet and wet techniques, glazing, masking to reserve whites you will be able to make beautiful winter and holiday scenes. The instructor will provide the images for the cards and the students will paint-a-long to create their own cards. At the end of the class, you will have three original cards that you can send family and friends.

A detailed list of materials will be sent to you once you sign up for the class.

Instructor: Elvira Rascov

It is time to celebrate the season. Handmade watercolor cards are fun to paint and fun to give away.

A typical and fun Christmas Holy in Watercolor.

How about a fun Christmas tree in Watercolor?

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Summer Watercolor Classes 2023

Two fun new watercolor classes this summer at LGS Recreation in Los Gatos, CA.

Experimenting with Gouache – Opaque Watercolor Live ClassThis


Three session course.

Dates: 7/20/23 – 8/03/23

Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

Price: $115

Register here

About this Course

In this class, you will learn to paint with gouache (opaque watercolor). Gouache is a wonderful medium that allows you to layer bold colors with different blending techniques. The instructor will have a project for each class where you can paint-a-long while you familiarize yourself with gouache paint by exploring tones, brushstroke techniques and understanding color combinations. No previous experience or knowledge is required for this class.

Materials for this class

-Gouache paints a selection of primary colors plus black and white (Winsor and Newton brand)

-Synthetic paintbrushes: One half-inch angle shader, a quarter-inch filbert brush, a size 8 round brush, and a size two round brush.

-These are basic suggested brushes to bring to class Watercolor paper 140 LB

-A palette to mix your paints

A detailed list of materials will be sent to you when you sign up for the class.

Learn how to mix primary gouache colors to create a fun layered painting with sunflowers.

Using a black watercolor cold pressed paper is fun with gouache colors that are opaque. Colors will show brighter over the dark background.

Let’s paint a landscape in gouache! Learn how to mix a basic palette to get a big range of colors that can be applied on a landscape painting.

Using tan toned mix media paper you can get a different style using gouache. This fun bird was painted in that paper and a nice mixture of colors. This will be one of the exercises in class.

More samples of gouache paintings will be added soon.

Watercolor Live Instruction for beginners and intermediate level

This class is no longer available

Three session course

Dates: 8/17/23 – 8/31/23

Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm

Price: $115

Register here

About this Course

In this class you will learn the basic techniques of painting with watercolor. Through simple and fun exercises you will get confidence painting with the medium. There will be at least three small projects in each class that will be demonstrated step by step and where you can paint-a-long. By the end of each class you will have finished exercises and paintings that will build up your skills. This class will bring you confidence with the medium and will help you move to the next level. No previous experience of knowledge is required for this class.

Basic materials you should have for this class:

-Cold press watercolor paper

– Basic set of watercolor paints

– Set of watercolor brushes include round brushes number 4, 6, 10 and a rigger brush for details

A more detailed list of materials will be sent when you sign up for the class.

Let’s paint simple watercolor projects to build confidence with the medium and move to the next level.

Let’s learn how to paint a red robin in watercolor. What a fun exercise for this class!

More samples of class projects coming soon.

Classes at Los Gatos Adult Recreation Center 208 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030

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Let’s paint watercolor Thanksgiving cards (Class no longer available)


Thanksgiving is a special Holiday. Let’s celebrate it by sending special handmade cards to our family and friends. In this class you will have the opportunity to paint with watercolor your own Thanksgiving cards. With simple watercolor techniques you will make three different cards. The instructor will provide the images and sketches and will guide you all the way.

One class is still available through Los Gatos Saratoga Community Education and Recreation.


DATE: 11/19/22


PRICE: $40


About this Course

Basic materials you should have for this class -140 lb./300 gm watercolor paper -Basic set of watercolor paints – Set of watercolor brushes include round brushes number 4, 6, 10, and 12 and a rigger brush for details. -Low tack masking tape -Masking fluid -A black ink liner 0.3 or 0.5 (Micron Brand) or (Faber Castell)

The simplest way to make cards is to fold a sheet of paper in half, but you can also find watercolor postcards ready to pop in an envelope if you prefer. Do you want to keep your original cards? The instructor will give you information of where you can make prints of your cards.

Let’s have fun painting Thanksgiving cards!

Instructor: Elvira Rascov

CLASS LOCATION: 123 East Main Street, Los Gatos, 95030


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