PAINT NIGHT AT LGS RECREATION. Watercolor Seascape in person class. -This event is no longer available.-
When: June 2nd, 2022
Time: 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Price: $40
This class was through Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Education and Recreation. Located at 208 E Main Street, Los Gatos, 95030. There will be more classes in the fall on this venue.

About this Course
In this fun evening class students will learn how to paint a watercolor seascape. Instructor will demonstrate the whole process from beginning to end. You can paint a-long and learn all the steps to be successful in making a beautiful seascape. Techniques will be presented while doing the live demo. There are a lot of opportunities to improve your painting techniques and the instructor will be there to help you through the process. A sketch of the painting will be sent to students before the class so students can be ready to follow step by step.
Materials for this class are:
Brushes– Size 4, size 8 and size 12. A rigger brush for details will be good to have too. If you don’t have any brushes you can start with Windsor and Newton watercolor brushes in the sizes above. You can find these at Michaels.
Paint – Set of Windsor and Newton Cotman watercolor Field Box set of 12 colors. It works well for beginners. If you want better quality watercolor paints I will recommend Daniel Smith. These colors are good to have. They are expensive so you can start with the small tubes. You can find them at Michael’s.
Here are the colors I recommend for this class: -Cobalt blue -Prussian blue -Cerulean Blue -Cobalt teal blue it is Turquoise blue in other brands -Yellow ochre -Burnt Sienna light -Burnt umber -Sepia -Indigo -Lavender Most of watercolor sets have these colors if you already have a set at home
Paper – It is really important to invest in good paper if you want good results. Arches- Cold Press 140 lb for all styles of painting. Available in pads or blocks. Size of paper depends on what you want to paint. Or any other brand that is cold press 140 lb.
Additional materials to bring with you: Soft pencil for sketching, Paper towel, Cup for water, Masking tape, Board, Old toothbrush, A natural sponge, Masking fluid (Pebeo or Winsor and Newton), and White tempera.
Let’s have fun painting together!